The school year is drawing to a close, and to round it off in style, there’s nothing better than to honour, in a dedicated section of your yearbook, the students who have made an impression on teachers and classmates through their eccentricity, their commitment or their touch of madness.
Turn this event into a truly memorable experience by encouraging not only the students, but also the teachers in your school to take an active part by voting for the winners of each award. Make every vote count and help forge lasting memories, reinforcing the spirit of community and celebration within your school.
Time for the Yearbook Awards!
To make sure your yearbook is representative of all the different personalities that have marked this school year – for better or for worse – we’ve put together this list of ideas that are alternately classic, innovative and fun. Pick as many as you need to create an unforgettable section that will always keep your students entertained!

Classic Awards
This classic list of tried and tested ideas allows you to create a section in your yearbook that rewards all the different personalities in your school.
- Fearless
- Life of the Party
- Pack Leader
- Innovator
- Comedian
- Teacher’s Pet
- Memelord
- Superstar
- Chatterbox
- Class Clown
- Animal Whisperer
- Head Chef
- Brother from Another Mother
- Sister from Another Mister
- Snowflake
- Gentle Giant
- Craftsman
- Insta Star
- Twitterati
- Drama Queen
- Party Animal
Most Likely to… Awards
Give your Yearbook Awards section a ceremonial feel and create several categories. One category that’s sure to appeal to your students, and encourage their imagination, is “Most Likely to…”. Here’s a list to inspire a few ideas:
Most likely to…
- Be Famous
- Become Prime Minister
- Cure a Disease
- Win Olympic gold
- Get Married (couple)
- Tour the World
- Set a World Record
- Write a Bestselling Novel
- Be a film star
- Go into Outer Space
- Teach at this school
- Be asked for ID at 30
- Be a millionaire
- Win a Nobel Peace Prize
- Write a hit song
- Run a company
- Paint a masterpiece
- Win an Oscar
- Become the world’s strongest man/woman
- Get married first
- Move out of the country
- Save the planet
- Top the charts
- Win the Lottery (but Lose the Ticket!)
- Be a WAG
- Be the First to Mars
- Be a Professional Gamer
- Catch ’em All
- Start a Meme
- Go Viral
- Invent a Gadget
- Work for MI6
- Be a Drifter
- Start a Charity
- Rid the World of Plastic
- Own Their Own Home
- Discover a New Chemical Element
- Join the Circus
- Headline Glastonbury
- Become Doctor Who’s Next Assistant
- Be an Evil Scientist
- Be Sorted into Gryffindor/Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw/Slytherin
- Burst into Song and Dance
- Be a Reality Show Superstar
- Overthrow the Government
Another category that your students are sure to enjoy is ‘Superheroes’. As well as being undeniably fun, it may well make a few dreams come true. Who hasn’t dreamed of being Superman? These awards fit in great with a comic book yearbook theme.

- The Incredible Hulk – Strong and smart
- The Flash – Fast and quick-minded
- Superman/Wonder Woman – Always saves the day
- Batman – Fearless and just
- Green Lantern – Able to create anything
- Iron Man – Tech-savvy
- Doctor Strange – Bizarre sense of humor
- The Human Torch – Hot-headed
- The Thing – Tough, but with a heart of gold
- Wolverine – Fabulous nail art
- Luke Cage – Dependable and bulletproof
- Starlord – Most plucky
- Rocket – Most adorable
- Aquaman – Best swimmer
- Robin – Best Sidekick
- Professor Xavier – Mastermind/genius
Group Awards
With this category, you can give your students the opportunity to celebrate the friendships they have forged throughout the school year.

- Cutest Couple that Never Was
- Cutest Couple
- Band of Brothers
- Dancing Troupe
- Strongest Clique
- Best Bromance
- School Band
- Wolf Pack
To highlight the qualities of your students, this category is practically essential to your yearbook. Use this list of superlatives for awards to distinguish the very best of the best.

- Funniest
- Kindest
- Angriest
- Bravest
- Happiest
- Coolest
- Smartest
- Biggest Nag
- Most Excited
- Most Passionate Nerd
- Most Athletic
- Most Stubborn
- Most Social Media Friends
- Most Upbeat
- Most Dependable
- Most Glamorous
- Most Polite
- Most Gullible
- Best Hair
- Best Dancer
- Best Smile
- Best Eyes
- Best Eyes
- Best Laugh
- Best-Dressed
- Best Moment
- Best Event
Staff Awards
Give your students the opportunity to reward the teachers who have made an impression on them. As well as making the teachers proud, this will also strengthen the relationship you have with your students. These are a great way for them to remember their favourite teachers.
- Kindest Teacher
- Strongest Teacher
- Scariest Teacher
- Best Caterer
- Favourite Staff Member
- Everybody’s Mother/Father
How to Choose Striking Colour Themes
Now that you’ve chosen your awards, learn how to spice up your yearbook design with striking colour themes.
When choosing or creating awards for your yearbook, look for ways to celebrate your school’s unique community. Whether you opt for traditional, original or completely new ideas, make sure the awards reflect the spirit and memories of this school year. Your students won’t soon forget the years they spent at your school!
Discover our range of school leavers’ products
As well as yearbooks that you can fully personalise to reflect your school and the highlights of your students’ time there, we have a range of customisable products, such as hoodies and cards, to make sure you make this school year memorable.